T a C Direct Dim Overview Load Capacity As well as dimming functionality (see page opposite) and presence/absence detection, Direct Digital Direct Dim detectors can control as many as 20 dimming ballasts, analogue Direct Dim Dim technology from CP Electronics offers a host of additional features and functionality. detectors up to 10. Two Channel Flexibility Suitable for all Lighting Types The dimming channel of the detector can be used to control the light output of luminaires that Direct Dim detectors* can be used for all lighting, including DSI/DALI or 1–10V dimming ballasts are fitted with dimming ballasts. The detector measures the overall light level in the detection over 1 or 2 channels. *Excluding MWS6. area and calculates the correct output for the luminaires, to maintain a preset lux level (maintained illuminance). Adjustments and Programming Direct Dim detectors feature integral infrared receivers to allow the units to be programmed The switching channel of the detector can either be used to isolate the supply to the dimming using the optional DD-LCDHS programming handset. This gives complete control over many of ballasts (saving on the standby current of the ballasts) or to switch a separate channel of the operating parameters. Manual adjustments may also be made to the sensitivity, lux and time standard, non-dimming luminaires. Two input terminals can be used to manually override the settings using the controls on the detector. dimming levels and override the lights on or off. Programming Handsets CPDD-LCDHS and CPDD-LCDHS-LR The flexibility of having two channels and two switch inputs allows the following scenarios: Our programming handset is available in two versions, the standard model for conventional 1. Dim an outside row of luminaires whilst internal fittings are switched height ceilings and the ‘LR’ version for use in high ceiling applications such as warehouses. 2. Provides absence detection for two separate channels 3. Maintained illuminance system with manual up/down controls The handsets allow programming and control of all Direct Dim functionality including: • switching and dimming channel control • step-down illuminance Step-down Illuminance • detection sensitivity • scene settings In certain instances it may be undesirable to simply switch off light should no movement or • lux hold-off and time delay • lamp burn-in settings presence be detected. Direct Dim detectors can be programmed to switch off light completely or lower its level to a predefined value, upon sensing no movement. User Handset CPUHS This handset allows the user to override the system detectors to turn lights on or off, adjust lux Scene Setting and Recall levels or select preset scenes Direct Dim detectors allow the user to create and recall desired room lighting levels. A meeting room for example would require different levels of lighting if it was to be used for a multimedia User Handset CPUHS3 presentation or a board meeting. This handset allows the user to override the system detectors to turn lighting on or off. Lamp Burn-in User Handset CPUHS3 (2) Some manufacturers state that dimming a lamp within the first hours of use can shorten its This handset allows the user to override the system detectors to turn lighting off. overall life and therefore invalidate its warranty. The Direct Dim ‘burn-in’ feature is intelligent software programming that prevents new lamps from being dimmed for this initial period. No Neutral Wall Mounted Presence Detector No Neutral Wall Mounted Presence Detector CPPDS-PRM CPPDS 3–4m 3–4m 4–6m 4–6m 5–9m 5–9m Area of Area of Area of Area of high sensitivity lower sensitivity high sensitivity lower sensitivity The CPPDS-PRM is a contemporary styled fast fit presence detector with concealed fixing The CPPDS is our established low cost, fast fit presence detector. This detector does not screws. This detector does not require a neutral connection so it can quickly replace an require a neutral connection so it can quickly replace an existing light switch. existing light switch. Product Code Description Product Code Description CPPDS-PRM Contemporary no neutral PIR presence detector with lux level sensing and CPPDS No neutral PIR presence detector with lux level sensing and time delay time delay function function Load Rating at 230VAC Time Delay Load Rating at 230VAC Time Delay R I F CF R I F CF 10A 10A 10A 10A 1m–30m N/A 10A 6A 3A 5m–1h R = ResistiveI = IncandescentF = FluorescentCF = Compact Fluorescent R = ResistiveI = IncandescentF = FluorescentCF = Compact Fluorescent ! ! # " 99
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