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Warwick Electrical Product Guide

Wiig Acceie Sheer Range - Connection Units Bright Chrome Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Brass Antique Brass Bright Stainless Satin Stainless Black Nickel Pearl Oyster Description White/Black Inserts White/Black Inserts White/Black Inserts White/Black Inserts Black Inserts White/Black Inserts White/Black Inserts Black Inserts White Inserts 1 Gang 13A Fused Spur, Double Pole 87 SP BC/*^ 86 SP SC/*^ 81 SP PB/*^ 82 SP SB/*^ 89 SP AB/BL 83 SP BC/WH 84 SP SS/*^ 88 SP BK/BL 8P SP PO/WH 1 Gang 13A Fused Spur, Double Pole 87 SPN BC/*^ 86 SPN SC/W*^ 81 SPN PB/*^ 82 SPN SB/*^ 89 SPN AB/BL 83 SPN BC/WH 84 SPN SS/*^ 88 SPN BK/BL 8P SPN PO/WH + Neon 1 Gang 13A Fused Spur, Double Pole 87 SPNCO BC/*^ 86 SPNCO SC/*^ 81 SPNCO PB/*^ 82 SPNCO SB/*^ – 83 SPNCO BC/WH 84 SPNCO SS/*^ – – + Neon + Cable Out 1 Gang 13A Fuse Only 87 FO BC/W*^ 86 FO SC/*^ 81 FO PB/*^ 82 FO SB/*^ 89 FO AB/BL 83 FO BC/WH 84 FO SS/*^ 88 FO BK/BL 8P FO PO/WH 1 Gang 13A Fuse + Cable Outlet 87 FOCO BC/*^* 86 FOCO SC/*^ 81 FOCO PB/*^ 82 FOCO SB/*^ – 83 FOCO BC/WH 84 FOCO SS/*^ – – *Add a space then WH for White inserts or BL for Black inserts (If after a / do not add a space before the WH or BL, eg. 87 SP BC/WH) ^ To order White Plastic Rocker Inserts add a space then WH/WH, to order Black Plastic Rocker Inserts add a space then BL/BL eg. 87 SP WH/WH Sheer Range - Push On/Off Resistive Dimmers Description Bright Chrome Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Brass Antique Brass Bright Stainless Satin Stainless Black Nickel Pearl Oyster 1 Gang 2 Way 400W 87 P1X400 86 P1X400 81 P1X400 82 P1X400 89 P1X400 83 P1X400 84 P1X400 88 P1X400 8P P1X400 2 Gang 2 Way 400W 87 P2X400 86 P2X400 81 P2X400 82 P2X400 89 P2X400 83 P2X400 84 P2X400 88 P2X400 8P P2X400 3 Gang 2 Way 400W 87 P3X400 86 P3X400 81 P3X400 82 P3X400 89 P3X400 83 P3X400 84 P3X400 88 P3X400 8P P3X400 4 Gang 2 Way 300W (Max, 87 P4X400 86 P4X400 81 P4X400 82 P4X400 89 P4X400 83 P4X400 84 P4X400 88 P4X400 8P P4X400 wattage per Gang 300 watts) 1 Gang 2 Way 600W 87 P1X600 86 P1X600 81 P1X600 82 P1X600 89 P1X600 83 P1X600 84 P1X600 88 P1X600 8P P1X600 1 Gang 2 Way 1000W 87 P1X1000 86 P1X1000 81 P1X1000 82 P1X1000 89 P1X1000 83 P1X1000 84 P1X1000 88 P1X1000 8P P1X1000 Sheer Range - Trailing Edge Push On/Off Dimmers Description Bright Chrome Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Brass Antique Brass Bright Stainless Satin Stainless Black Nickel Pearl Oyster 1 Gang Multi-Way 250W/VA 87 P1XTE25 86 P1XTE25 81 P1XTE25 82 P1XTE25 89 P1XTE25 83 P1XTE25 84 P1XTE25 88 P1XTE25 8P P1XTE25 (250W/VA Max. 25W/VA Min.) 2 Gang Multi-Way 250W/VA 87 P2XTE25 86 P2XTE25 81 P2XTE25 82 P2XTE25 89 P2XTE25 83 P2XTE25 84 P2XTE25 88 P2XTE25 8P P2XTE25 (250W/VA Max. 25W/VA Min.) 3 Gang Multi-Way 250W/VA 87 P3XTE25 86 P3XTE25 81 P3XTE25 82 P3XTE25 89 P3XTE25 83 P3XTE25 84 P3XTE25 88 P3XTE25 8P P3XTE25 (250W/VA Max. 25W/VA Min.) 4 Gang Multi-Way 250W/VA 87 P4XTE25 86 P4XTE25 81 P4XTE25 82 P4XTE25 89 P4XTE25 83 P4XTE25 84 P4XTE25 88 P4XTE25 8P P4XTE25 (250W/VA Max. 25W/VA Min.) 130 !!!.!!.. #  !!.. 

Warwick Electrical Product Guide
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