C A 3 Core Armoured Cable XLPE/SWA/ 4 Core Armoured Cable XLPE/SWA/ ALSECURE® NXS Multi-Purpose LSZH BS6724 BASEC Approved LSZH BS6724 BASEC Approved General Wiring Cable Product Code Description • BS8436 (for materials and performance) 600/1000V • Cu(Class2)/XLPE/Bonded Aluminium Tape/LSZH SWLSF4X1.5 1.5mm BW20S (1) • 2, 3 & 4 Cores 1.5mm2 - 10mm2 Product Code Description SWLSF4X2.5 2.5mm BW20S (2) • Solution to concealed wiring as required by the SWLSF3X1.5 1.5mm BW20S (1) SWLSF4X4 4mm BW20 (3) 17th Edition SWLSF3X2.5 2.5mm BW20S (1) SWLSF4X6 6mm BW20 (4) Product Code Description SWLSF3X4 4mm BW20S (2) SWLSF4X10 10mm BW25 (4) CANSX 2x1.5W 2C+E 1.5mm2 NSx SWLSF3X6 6mm BW20 (3) SWLSF4X16 16mm BW25 (5) CANSX 2x2.5W 2C+E 2.5mm2 NSx SWLSF3X10 10mm BW25 (4) SWLSF4X25 25mm BW32 (5) CANSX 2x4W 2C+E 4mm2 NSx SWLSF3X16 16mm BW25 (4) CANSX 2x6W 2C+E 6mm2 NSx SWLSF3X25 25mm BW32 (5) Please phone for quotation on larger sizes CANSX 2x10W 2C+E 10mm2 NSx CANSX 3x1.5W 3C+E 1.5mm2 NSx CANSX 3x2.5W 3C+E 2.5mm2 NSx Cables - Booklet Armoured - BS5467 & BS6724 CANSX 3x4W 3C+E 4mm2 NSx CANSX 3x6W 3C+E 6mm2 NSx CANSX 3x10W 3C+E 10mm2 NSx Cables - Y, CY & SY CANSX 4x1.5W 4C+E 1.5mm2 NSx Applications - To be used in dry and moist rooms for light Size KM Weight PVC KM Weight LSF Gland Size and medium mechanical stresses, however not out doors. CANSX 4x2.5W 4C+E 2.5mm2 NSx 2 x 1.5 305 300 16/20s As supply or interconnecting cable for measuring. Control CANSX 4x4W 4C+E 4mm2 NSx 2 x 2.5 360 370 20s and regulating according to VDE 0113, for computer units, CANSX 4x6W 4C+E 6mm2 NSx 2 x 4 430 460 20s CANSX 4x10W 4C+E 10mm2 NSxfor control equipments on machine tools. Conveyors and assembly lines for controlling and regulating, and for 2 x 6 500 550 20 monitoring of production processes. Industrial plants. 2 x 10 655 870 20 Assembly lines and machinery when freely moved without 2 x 16 955 1100 20 BW Gland Kit Indoorforced guidance. The following applies to SY and Y cablesonly - Cross sections above 10mm2 are energy supply 3 x 1.5 340 330 16/20d cables for fixed installation on machine tools production 3 x 2.5 400 410 20s lines. Cores are normally identified by colours to VDE 0293. 3 x 4 475 510 20s 3 x 6 560 710 20 This cable is manufactured and tested according to 3 x 10 860 990 20 BS5467 and also designed, manufactured and tested in 3 x 16 1100 1280 25 accordance with either ISO 9001 or ISO 9002. Designed for use in main supply electricity. These cables are 4 x 1.5 375 370 20d provided with mechanical protection and therefore suitable 4 x 2.5 400 410 20s for external use and direct burial. Both are also available Product Code Description 4 x 4 550 690 20s as BS7211 LSF variant - add LSF to part number when SWBW20S 20mm Small Gland Kit required. 4 x 6 770 820 20 SWBW20 20mm Gland Kit 4 x 10 1000 1150 25 SWBW25 25mm Gland Kit 4 x 16 1320 1700 25 SWBW32 32mm Gland Kit Cables - NX200 - Halogen Free - Fire Resistant SWBW40 40mm Gland Application: Fire alarm systems, Public address systems and emergency lighting SWBW50 50mm Gland SWBW63 63mm Gland Core identification: 2 cores : Red - Black 3 cores : Red - Yellow - Blue 4 cores : Red - Yellow - Blue - Black > or = : printed numbers CW Gland Kit - Outdoor Sizes: Go from 2 x 0.5 and above and all are available in Red, White or Black outer sheathing. Adjustable Telecleat Product Code Description Cable Diameter mm2 Pack Quantities min max SW385AA01 Adjustable Telecleat No1 10.5 14.5 100 Product Code Description SW385AA02 Adjustable Telecleat No2 12.2 16.7 100 SWCW20S 20mm Small Gland Kit SW385AA03 Adjustable Telecleat No3 14.6 19.8 100 SWCW20 20mm Gland Kit SW385AA04 Adjustable Telecleat No4 17.7 24.0 50 SWCW25 25mm Gland Kit SW385AA05 Adjustable Telecleat No5 21.7 28.5 25 SWCW32 32mm Gland Kit SW385AA06 Adjustable Telecleat No6 26.2 34.2 25 SWCW40 40mm Gland Kit SW385AA07 Adjustable Telecleat No7 31.9 41.6 10 SWCW50 50mm Gland Kit SW385AA08 Adjustable Telecleat No8 39.3 51.1 10 SWCW63 63mm Gland Kit 152 !!!.!!.. # !!..
Warwick Electrical Product Guide
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