Tcca Ia Cable Capacities of Trunking To determine the trunking size needed, multiply the quantities of each cable by the appropriate factor, and compare the total with the trunking capacity figures shown. Example: What size of standard trunking is needed for 10 No.35mm2 cables and 16 No.4mm2 cables? (No. of cables) 10 x 95 (Factor for 35mm2 cable) = 950 (No. of cables) 16 x 18.1 (Factor for 4mm2 cable) = 289.6 Total cable factor = 950 + 289.6 = 1239.6 The nearest size of standard trunking with a capacity factor greater than 1239.6 is 75 x 50mm. Standard Trunking Cable Factors 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 Nominal conductor size mm2 solid stranded solid stranded 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 Factor copper or aluminium 8.6 9.6 11.9 13.9 18.1 22.9 36.3 50.3 75.4 95 133 177 227 Standard Trunking Capacity Chart Trunk Size Capacity Factor Trunk Size Capacity Factor 50mm x 50mm 1,037 150mm x 75mm 4,743 75mm x 50mm 1,555 150mm x 100mm 6,394 75mm x 75mm 2,371 150mm x 150mm 9,697 100mm x 50mm 2,091 200 x 100mm 8,572 100mm x 75mm 3,189 225mm x 150mm 14,652 100mm x 100mm 4,252 300mm x 150mm 19,607 Bathroom Zone Chart IEE wiring regulations, BS 7671:2001, Section 601 gives requirements for areas containing a bath or shower. This document should be consulted before installation of appliances. Areas of the bathroom are split into zones. As a guide only, the requirements for luminaires in each zone may be summarised as follows. Particular care should be taken with wash basins, guidance for these are also contained within BS 7671. Protection IP Rating Zone 0 SELV < 12V rms a.c. IPX7 Transformer must be outside zones 0-2 Zone 1 SELV < 12V rms a.c. IPX4, or if water jets are Transformer must be likely to be used for Location with bath tub Location with shower outside zones 0-2 cleaning purposes in Zone 2 Zone 3 Outside Zone Zone 2 Zone 3 Outside Zone communal baths or Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 showers, IPX5 Zone 2 As Zone 1 As Zone 1 3m 2.25m 3m 2.25m Zone 3 No limitation on fixed IPX5 if likely to be equipment subject to water jets 0.6m 2.4m 0.6m 2.4m for cleaning Zone 0 Zone 0 No liability can be accepted for the data below which is given for guidance only. 246 !!!.!!.. # !!..
Warwick Electrical Product Guide
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