, Slick Fast Fit Ion Alarm Carbon Monoxide Alarm Carbon Monoxide Alarm 1SF23/9hi Product Code Description KI1SF23/9hi AC with Duracell Ultra alkaline back up Product Code Description KI1SF23/9hir Rechargeable AC with sealed in lithium KI900-0230 Digital display, with memory, new Product Code Description back up, 10 yr guarantee compact size alkaline battery KI900-0230 New compact size, alkaline battery Slick Fast Fit Optical Alarm Hard Wired Carbon Monoxide Alarm Hard Wired Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Smart Interconnect with Smart Interconnect 2sf23/9hi Product Code Description KI2sf23/9hi AC with Duracell Ultra alkaline back up KI2sf23/9hir Rechargeable AC with sealed in lithium back up, 10 yr guarantee Slick Fast Fit Heat Alarm Product Code Description Product Code Description KI423D/9hir AC with rechargeable lithium back up, digital display+ memory KI423/9hir AC with rechargeable lithium back up 7020 Genesis™ NP Battery Series 3sf23/9hi Product Code Description KI3sf23/9hi AC with Duracell Ultra alkaline back up KI3sf23/9hir Rechargeable AC with sealed in lithium back up, 10 yr guarantee Battery Smoke Detector Nominal Capacity Length Width Overall Height Battery Type Description Volts (20hr rate- Ah) mm mm (Incl. Terminals) NPO.8-12 O.SAh 1 2V lead-acid alarm battery 12 0.8 96 25 61 NP1.2-12 1 .2Ah 1 2V lead-acid alarm battery 12 1.2 97 48 56 NP2.3-12 2.3Ah 12V lead-acid alarm battery 12 2.3 178 35 64 NP2.9-12 2.9Ah 12V lead-acid alarm battery 12 2.9 79 56 105 NP3.4-12 3.4Ah 1 2V lead-acid alarm battery 12 3.4 134 67 64 NP5-12 S.OAh 1 2V lead-acid alarm battery 12 5 90 70 107 NP7-12 7.0Ah 12V lead-acid alarm battery 12 7 151 65 97.5 NP10-12 10.0Ah 12V lead-acid alarm battery 12 10 151 65 118 Product Code Description NP12-12 12.0Ah 12V lead-acid alarm battery 12 12 151 98 97.5 KIKID0914UK Battery Smoke Detector NP18-12 17.2Ah 12V lead-acid alarm battery 12 17.2 181 76 167 !!!.!!.. # !!..
Warwick Electrical Product Guide
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