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Warwick Electrical Product Guide

Ha a Va Farho Heaters Information Equivalence Table Heaters/Surface Area in Square Meters (For a height of 2.40m) No of Elements Length mm Height mm Depth mm Weight kg Power W Kcal / h / m2Coefficient an-xp tde an-xp tde 90 95 100 105 110 3 370 590 575 95 98 7,5 330 5,21m2 4,93m2 4,69m2 4,46m2 4,26m2 5 530 590 575 95 98 11,5 550 8,68m2 8,22m2 7,81m2 7,44m2 7,10m2 7 690 590 575 95 98 15,5 770 12,15m2 11,51m2 10,94m2 10,42m2 9,94m2 9 850 590 575 95 98 19,5 990 15,63m2 14,80m2 14,06m2 13,39m2 12,78m2 11 1.017 590 575 95 98 23,5 1,210 19,10m2 18,09m2 17,19m2 16,37m2 15,63m2 13 1.170 590 575 95 98 27,5 1,430 22,57m2 21,38m2 20,31m2 19,35m2 18,47m2 Climate Type Mild Moderate Cold Very Cold Bedroom, Hallway, Kitchen 90 95 100 105 Living Room/Dining Room, Bathroom 95 100 105 110 Practical example of 70m2 dwelling in a moderate climate area (for a ceiling height of 2.40m) House Surface Square m2 Elements to be installed Installed Capacity W Hallway 7 5 550 Estimated Daily Consumption Living Room 17 11 1210 For 12 hours of heating at 20/21oC, our Kitchen 11 7 770 system, as an average throughout winter Bathroom 4 3 330 rarely exceeds 5/6 hours of energy Bedroom 1 8 5 550 consumption. We recommend that a qualified installer or distributor undertakes Bedroom 2 13 9 990 a full site survey before installation work Bedroom 3 10 7 770 commences in order to size the project 70 47 5170 correctly. Climate Areas in the United Kingdom 88 !!!.!!.. #  !!.. 

Warwick Electrical Product Guide
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